
Here goes Nothing, or maybe Something

I feel as if there is one more thing I must do in my life, to make it complete. People will think I have lost my mind, but there is some sort of lifestyle I’d like to lead just to say it happened, and I did it. If I don’t at least try this, I will not be pleased with myself. I am putting together my own cabaret show. It’s full of things that existed in my life, but most importantly it will showcase my life experiences through music and dance. If I could pull this off and just perform it for my husband, I would feel so liberated. I need to say something in this world. A stage techie used to call me “Sparky”.  I wondered why, and then the night before his contract was up, he explained it to me – you’re on fire on stage when you’re performing, but there’s something you are going to do later on that will take you over the edge in your performance.  I would love to see that guy again and say thanks. I never really understood what that meant, but maybe it’s my time to SPARKLE through performing my own one-woman show. I am going to blog this entire experience. Here goes Nothing, or maybe Something 🙂

Alaina Visalli


Alaina Visalli

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